PPL(H)-private pilot licence helicopter
The PPL course consists of 2 parts: theoretical training and practical training.
The theory course starts on the first Monday of September and January. The lectures are every Monday evening from 19h till 22h30, except in July and August. The price of the theory training is 650€ (price of 2022) and includes all the needed materials (books, navigation tools). In this course you'll be studying the following 9 subjects:
Principles of flight
Aircraft general knowledge
Flight planning and performance
Air law
Operational procedures
Human performance and limitations
The lectures and books are in Dutch. The next course is scheduled to start on Monday January 6th 2025.
Please use this form to enroll for the next theory course.
The practical training can be started anytime. This can be scheduled at your convenience with our online booking tool. Here you can find the availability of the aircraft and flight instructors. The practical training is done with the Schweizer HU269. The costs of the practical training are really variable. They depend on your previous experience and the amount of training/flights done per week. To give an indication: 22500€ is a reasonable estimate to complete the practical training. This includes the fees for aircraft rental, instruction, books and landings.
For the bridge course PPL(A) to PPL(H), only the helicopter specific courses have to be followed and credit can be given for a number of flight hours.
Are you interested in training to become a private pilot?
Please use this form to enroll for the next theory course.​
If you need more information, please contact Ann Lechat +32-475-28.51.93
or fill in the form beneath.